Sunday, March 30, 2014

Shrimp Scampi Pizza

This evening I wanted to use shrimp and spinach on a pizza, and I wanted to achieve the optimal results for doing so. I also thought it might be fun to try adding honey to my pizza crust. I googled "honey pizza crust" to make sure it was okay to use honey in pizza dough. Food.Com's "The World's Best Bread Machine Pizza Dough Recipe" came up. I noted quickly that the recipe included both honey and sugar. I also included both in my own pizza dough recipe. I thought maybe if I added only honey the yeast might not do right since the yeast usually eats the sugar. Anthony, Shastya, and I went for a walk while the dough was being taken care of in the bread machine. When we returned, I threw together some shrimp, olive oil, lemon juice, black pepper, salt, and onion in a skillet to saute them. I added fresh chopped spinach at the last minute. Then I just did the usual dough, sauce, cheese, topping thing. The flavor of our pizza was reminiscent of shrimp scampi.

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