Monday, March 24, 2014

pizza tonight?

When we got home from church, Anthony and I were both hungry. We fed the baby. Then I made pizza. We didn't have tomatoes, tomato sauce or anything like that on hand. What we did have were some herbs and nuts. I googled "parsley pesto recipe" and found Food Network's Parsley Pesto. I thought I could work with that . . .

I threw/dumped the typical pizza crust ingredients into the bread machine. I got all my ingredients and equipment out for the pesto. I even had my mini food processor plugged in the wall. Then I remembered how much food processors terrify baby Shastya. She had just been painstakingly rocked to precious sleep by my dear husband Anthony. I was not about to wake her by turning the food processor on. Instead, I turned on a little plan B: knife and cutting board. My pesto did not exactly become sauce.

After finishing my pesto project I proceeded to add a couple secret ingredients to our dinner: ghee and hing. I added hing to the pesto, and I greased my pie plate with ghee. I didn't put mozzarella on top because I hadn't set the mozzarella out to thaw. I just went with the parmesan from the sabotaged pesto for my cheese.

My dough did not rise. We had a very dense herb pie. Surprisingly, I liked it. I'm looking forward to having some of the leftovers for lunches. Food stories . . . that all really happened . . .

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