Monday, September 16, 2013

Mediterranean Style Pizza

It was already after five, and I had not started dinner. Anthony already had one snack and was getting hungry again. I told him I couldn't think of anything to make for dinner. I asked him what he wanted for dinner, or if there was anything that he didn't want for dinner that he was sick of.  He answered, "pizza." I thought about it. It seemed a little late to start on pizza especially since both of us were pretty hungry already. Then I remembered seeing a recipe for shrimp tortilla pizzas. I looked for the recipe in the freezer and in the refrigerator. Nope, not on the back of the shrimp bag, and not on the back of the tortilla package either. There it was, the shrimp pizza recipe I was looking for was on the back of the mozzarella cheese bag. Once I had my second clue about what to make for dinner- a recipe, the first being my husband's wish, things happened quickly.

I substituted dried oregano and leftover tomato sauce for fresh basil and fresh tomatoes.

Red grapes went along well with the Italian theme.

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