Showing posts with label Indian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indian. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Indian Cooking

A church friend, Rachel Singapogu is teaching her first season of workshops called Indian Cooking For Beginners. I will be attending one of these classes soon. Not only will she be teaching people how to make their own curries among other things, but she is also selling Indian Cooking Starter Kits! I already purchased one of these from her. She is selling a small kit with basic Indian spices for $15. She is selling a second larger kit that has additional products in it for $80, which after talking about it with Anthony, we purchased because we love Indian food. When I brought the kit home and checked it out, I was amazed at what all Rachel had given me for just $80! One spice alone at a lot of stores can sometimes cost $6, but I received 36 items in my Indian Cooking Kit for only $80. Rachel keeps a beautiful blog called My Indian Recipes that are easy to follow. I know I will be referring to her recipes frequently.

CURRY Leaves