Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Playtime For Daddy & Baby Shastya

Baozi Soup

I made some bean paste baozi. I then chopped them up and put them in a soup.

Jawbreaker Salad

I do not believe I sliced the carrots thinly enough for our dinner salads. My teeth and jaw were sore by the time I had eaten half of my salad. I left the leftovers for Anthony.

Tiger Cub

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Shari's Favorites From This Week's Groceries

1. Bread Flour. I'm excited about making bread this week instead of buying bread.

2. Munchies (Seaweed Snacks & Spicy Sriracha Peas). I love international snacks.

3. Dried Beans/Peas. I bought these because they are economical and hearty.

4. Cheeses. I got sharp cheddar in addition to our usual mozzarella to peak the flavor of our pizzas.

5. Rice. We eat lots of rice because we love Indian and Chinese food!

6. Cauliflower/Tomatoes. I'm going to make cauliflower curry again this week because we really like it.

7. Baking Cups. These will make having muffins more fun.

peanuts & jelly

Yesterday, we were out of peanut butter, so I just made peanuts and jelly.

Blackberry Pancakes


bread flour crust + pizza-shop style sauce + mozzarella and sharp cheddar + pizza-shop style toppings = no leftovers 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Celery Curry With Cilantro

I had a lot of celery in my fridge, so I looked for a celery curry recipe on Rachel Singapogu's blog. I didn't find a recipe for celery. I did find one for Okra Curry. I thought something similar might work with celery. I tried the okra recipe with celery, and I thought dinner was fantastic. The recipe had a little too much cilantro in it for Anthony, but now I know for the next time. I think about 1 teaspoon of cilantro in a dish is all he can stand. I put 2 Tablespoons of fresh cilantro in our Celery Curry. Whoops.