Friday, March 28, 2014

Lemon Cranberry Chicken

I made a basic meal of meat, potatoes, and salad. I did something a little different with my chicken. I marinated it with lemon juice, dried cranberries, olive oil, black pepper, and salt. Dinner did not disappoint.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cinnamon Raisin Pancakes

I was going to make pecan date pancakes again, but decided to make "PA Dutch sticky-bun" inspired pancakes instead so I could save the dates for another recipe I wanted to make in the near future. I made Aunt Jemima's wholewheat pancake batter. Then I sprinkled raisins, pecans, and cinnamon on top of our pancakes as I cooked them. When I sampled them, they didn't really taste like sticky bun flavored pancakes. My pancakes had more of a hearty cinnamon raisin flavor you would get from a bagel.


mommy/ baby fashion statement

nerdy "windows" beanie for mommy, girly digitized army beanie for baby

"going for a walk"

Shastya Baby Foodie: Baby Banana Nutmeg Cereal

Baby Shastya loves spices. Daddy started her on them awhile back. He put cinnamon in her cereal. That's how we got her to eat cereal. I don't think babies are supposed to have too much spice, so we are careful. My original recipe for Baby Banana Nutmeg Cereal was a real baby appeaser when it came to feeding baby Shastya. She ate every tiny bite I could scrape out of the jar!

Banana Nutmeg Cereal:

1/4 Piece of Banana Mashed
1/2 TB Powdered Baby Formula
1 oz. Warm Water
1 TB Rice Crispies (offbrand)
2 Dashes of Nutmeg


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

pizza & granola bars

I found a new recipe for granola bars: the Kitchn's Hazelnut-Cocoa Granola Bars With Dried Figs. I just about completely changed the recipe to use only items I had on hand in my cabinets. I also tried not to add too many ingredients from the cupboards. I was selective. They turned out great.

PBJ Granola Bars:

3/4 Cups Raw Peanuts
2 Cups Quick Oats
1/2 Cup Dried Cranberries
1/2 Cup Maple Syrup
1/2 Peanut Butter
1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
1/4 Tsp Salt



Papaya With Multi-Grain Cereal

Papayas are huge. I had almost half of one left in my fridge. I did not want it to go bad. I remembered reading somewhere that cutting up fresh papaya and putting it over breakfast cereal was a great way to eat the fruit. That is precisely what I did. My breakfast cereal with milk and fresh papaya was truly delightful.

Monday, March 24, 2014

lentils w/ cilantro

I found out this evening that Anthony doesn't like cilantro. Just before dinner was served he hurriedly asked me if I could scrape the cilantro off the top of our lentils and rice. I was like, "sure, no problem."

Playtime For Baby Shastya